Paolo Castelli-Pan Pacific Hotel

Paolo Castelli-Pan Pacific Hotel

Living at One Bishopsgate Plaza offers more than just a home; it provides access to a world of privilege through the Pan Pacific Hotel. Europe’s first Pan Pacific Hotel, with interiors by the renowned Yabu Pushelberg, sets a new standard for quality and creates a new destination in the City of London. The entire project, managed up to the final stages of setup and installation, was realized by the Italian company Paolo Castelli.

The hotel features a grand ballroom, five levels of amenities for residents, and rooms and suites designed for complete relaxation. What truly sets the Pan Pacific Hotel apart is the warm welcome from its resourceful team. Bishopsgate Plaza, situated in the heart of London, provides residents with access to London’s famous squares, offering a breathing space amidst the bustling streets. Devonshire Row, with its café and concept retail spaces behind elegant listed façades, adds a touch of history to the modern surroundings. The rooftop restaurant overlooking the plaza is poised to become a key dining spot in the City.

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